Connecting the BeagleBone Black to the internet

By Sphoorti Joglekar

I had a hard time connecting the BeagleBone Black to the internet while I was working from Fedora 19. The tutorials for other Linux distros were pretty straight forward. After having pondered over it for a day or two I finally managed to access internet from the Black. Special credits to Gaurav Jain :D.

So here is what I did,

SSH to your Black using ssh root@ Once this is done run the following commands from the beaglebone shell.

  1. root@beaglebone:/ # /sbin/route add default gw
  2. root@beaglebone:/ # echo “nameserver” » /etc/resolv.conf

On the host Linux Machine except Fedora:

  1. sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -j MASQUERADE

    This instruction enables the masquerading option allowing any device in the subnet to act on behalf of the host machine.

  2. sudo echo 1 sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward > /dev/null

    This instruction enables the ipv4 forwarding providing the beaglebone with access to the internet.

On a Fedora machine instead of above two intsructions:

  1. Open Firewall settings.

  2. Select zone as public.

  3. In the side tab panel select masquerading

  4. Enable Masquerade zones.

Switch back to the BeagleBone Black terminal
root@beaglebone:/ # ping
A successful ping implies beaglebone black now has internet access.

Go ahead and update your Black!
root@beaglebone:/ # opkg update
(opkg is the package manager for the BeagleBone Black.)

Also here is one nice tutorial for getting a hands on with the BBB BBB-Workshop by Anuj Deshpande