A list of shortcuts to get started with Android Studio.
CTRL + Space Bar - Useful for autocompletion.
CTRL + ALT + B - When the cursor is on class or interface, tells who is implementing / inheriting the class / interface.
CTRL + Click - Takes the cursor to the declaration of the thing that is clicked.
CTRL + F12 - Lists the methods defined in the class.
CTRL + N - Opens the class / interface according to the name entered in dialog box. One can write only the subparts of the name in there.
CTRL + SHIFT + N - Opens a resource. The resource could be a .xml file or property file or generated code.
SHIFT + SHIFT - The Search Everywhere option. It literally searches everywhere :D
CTRL + ALT + O - Organize imports. This also removes the imports not used in the class and introduces the ones you need.
Highlight some code block and press CTRL + ALT + L - Reformats the code.
Following are a couple of shortcuts useful while debugging the code.
CTRL + F8 - Introduce a breakpoint.
The red dot with a down arrow indicates the debugger is connected with the app. -
F8 - Evaluate and continue debugging.
ALT + F8 - Evaluate the expression.
F9 - Continue
F7 - Step in
SHIFT + F8 - Step out
Watch out for this space. I shall keep updating this list with shortcuts that will simplify use of Android Studio.